
We at https://cornerstoneinformationtechnology.com/ ("we," "us," or "our") value the privacy of our users ("user" or "you"). This Privacy Statement describes how we gather, use, disclose, and protect your information when you visit our website Cornerstone Information Technology, as well as any other media form, media channel, mobile website, or mobile application connected to it (collectively, the "Site"). Please read this Privacy Statement carefully. You agree to the data and privacy policies and the general Terms of Service outlined in this policy.


Please note that this privacy statement is subject to change at any time and for any reason. We will notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy by changing the "Revised" date. Any changes or modifications will take effect immediately after the revised Privacy Policy is posted on the Site. You waive your right to obtain particular notice of each change or modification. If you use the Site after the revised Privacy Policy has been posted, you will be deemed to have accepted, acknowledged, and agreed to the changes. To stay informed about our privacy statement, you should review it often.


Keep any private or sensitive information off your public profile, and don't share it with other members or site users. The information you voluntarily provide through Cornerstone Information Technology user profiles, user communications, or job applications may be obtained and used by others. Using Cornerstone Information Technology means communicating confidential, personal, private, personally identifiable, or sensitive information at your own risk, and Cornerstone Information Technology is not responsible for such transmissions.

We may collect data about you in a variety of ways. Whenever you fill out a sign-up or contact form, download an eBook or whitepaper, create a report, subscribe to our newsletters, chat with us, or send us an email, we obtain information about you. You may also provide us with personal information when you use our services, such as to apply for a job, distribute your CV, or make a purchase. The website may collect the following types of data:

Protection of data

When you register for the Site or take part in various site-related activities, you voluntarily provide us with personal information such as your name, address, email address, and phone number, as well as demographics, such as your age, place of residence, education, job title, salary, work history, and interests. We do not require any personal information from you.

The Site might not be accessible if you choose not to. You can create accounts and profiles on Cornerstone Information Technology, where anyone can view and search. Anyone can use your profile to identify you personally. Cornerstone Information Technology users now affirm and covenant that the data they post is true, correct, and does not contain sensitive information.

Users can create anonymous profiles on Cornerstone Information Technology, but others can easily find out who a user is. Cornerstone Information Technology can't make sure or guarantee that its users won't be found. Users let Cornerstone Information Technology off the hook right now for any claims of liability related to this duty. Due to the insecure nature of the Internet, Cornerstone Information Technology will not be responsible for security breaches or actions by third parties that cause user information or identities to be published, used, sent, or otherwise made public. Users of Cornerstone Information Technology know that Cornerstone Information Technology can't guarantee their design often goes hand in hand with agile delivery.

Data pertaining to recruitment

Whether you're applying for a job, distributing your resume, or seeking a critique, a resume is a document you submit.

Derivatives based on data

Our servers automatically collect information about your visit, including your IP address, the browser type, the operating system you are using, the dates and times you accessed the Site, and the web pages you visited right before and right after. Cornerstone Information Technology uses this data to operate and maintain the website and compile aggregated statistics of the website's usage.

Financial Data

Your credit card number, name, and expiration date may be collected whenever you order, buy, return, exchange, or inquire about our services. The financial data we receive is rarely stored, if at all. Our payment processor stores all of your financial information. After reading their privacy statement, you may contact them directly if you have any concerns.

Information from social networks

You link your account to Facebook, Google+, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Our information will include your name, social network username, location, gender, date of birth, email address, profile picture, and public data about your connections in those networks.

The contest, giveaway, and survey data

You may be required to provide personal information when participating in contests, giveaways, or answering surveys.


Cornerstone Information Technology collects and uses your personal information to run its website(s) and provide the services you have requested. You may be contacted by Cornerstone Information Technology on behalf of an outside business partner regarding an offer that may interest you. Additionally, Cornerstone Information Technology may exchange information with partners to conduct statistical analyses, send you emails or postal mail, offer customer support, or organize deliveries.

Moreover, since Cornerstone Information Technology offers career services, Cornerstone Information Technology may disclose your personal information, including but not limited to your resume, to employers, job posters, Cornerstone Information Technology s, resume writing services, career service providers, and intermediary third parties.

Cornerstone Information Technology sometimes works with outside parties to offer or sponsor content like eBooks, movies, and white papers. In some cases, the third party in charge of the unique piece of content you downloaded may be able to see your personal information (including but not limited to your email address, name, address, and phone number). Also, Cornerstone Information Technology has career-related content like job ads, which require you to send your personally identifiable information.

Cornerstone Information Technology provides tailored information and advertising to customers whose behavior suggests they are interested in a specific subject area. Cornerstone Information Technology may track how users interact with the pages on his website to find out which services are popular.

There may be circumstances under which Cornerstone Information Technology is required to disclose your personal information by law or in good faith belief that it is necessary:

  • Laws must be followed by Cornerstone Information Technology.
  • Cornerstone Information Technology's property and rights are protected and defended.
  • Cornerstone Information Technology must take immediate action to ensure the safety of its users and the public.

When you agree to the website's privacy statement and acknowledge that Cornerstone Information Technology may contact you or text you at the phone number you provided, including your wireless number, we may contact or text you. You can be contacted by automated technology about job opportunities, career advancement opportunities, or educational opportunities based on your provided information.

Accurate information about you allows us to provide you with a smooth, efficient, and customized experience. Specifically, we may use information collected about you via the Site to:

Ensure that all statistical data and analyses are anonymous and tailored for internal or external use.

  • Creation and management of accounts.
  • We will use your information to send targeted advertisements, coupons, newsletters, promotions, and other news about our website and mobile app.
  • You will receive an email related to your account or order.
  • Facilitate user-to-user communication.
  • Make a personal profile to tailor your future visits.
  • The Site tracks and analyzes usage patterns so that we can improve your experience.
  • Processing of refunds and payments.
  • Inquire about your use of the website and send you comments.
  • It is important to resolve disputes and issues.
  • The company should respond to customer inquiries and product inquiries.

You can register at Cornerstone Information Technology

If you object to the following: Do not register with Cornerstone Information Technology. Cornerstone Information Technology matches you with jobs based on the information you provide. Our website displays these positions, and we also email them to you. As a user of the Site, you cannot refuse this service.

Cornerstone Information Technology also allows you to interact with other users. You are sent your personal information and, if relevant, your resume or CV when there is a match. As a user of the Site, you cannot refuse this service. Cornerstone Information Technology uses cookies to track your visits. Your IP address, email address, and other personal information may be stored in cookies. The personal information you provide to Cornerstone Information Technology during registration and while editing your profile is stored. Cornerstone Information Technology uses your IP address to track your location on our website. We use this information to target you with relevant jobs, members, and advertisements.

The last time you visited Cornerstone Information Technology is recorded on our website. The Cornerstone Information Technology website tracks every click you make and the action you take. Cornerstone Information Technology tracks every message you send and receive on our website. Our website allows you to update your profile information and resumes/CVs. You can also request the deletion of your account and all your data at any time. Cornerstone Information Technology members receive various email notifications, including the Cornerstone Information Technology Today newsletter, job matching results, application notifications, and account-related notifications. Your account alerts cannot be opted out of, except those related to your account.

A potential applicant

The data you include in your resume/CV is stored on Cornerstone Information Technology. We track the positions you apply for on our website and use this information to better match you with members or positions you might be interested in. Your application may be sent to posted positions on Cornerstone Information Technology if there is a match. As a Site member, this service is not available to you. Members of the Site cannot opt out of this service.

Our distribution service sends your resume to employers and Cornerstone Information Technology members. On our website's social media pages, you can access your CV. Our payment processor allows us to renew your subscription for restart delivery even though Cornerstone Information Technology does not keep a record of your credit card information. We transfer your personal information and your resume/CV to our partner when you request a professional resume evaluation. Our partner will contact you by phone or email to learn more about their services.

We send your personal information to our job alert partners, who send you job alerts. There is an opt-out option for this service. Several external services at Cornerstone Information Technology evaluate your resume/CV against positions that might interest you. Your résumé or CV is shared with these other providers. Cornerstone Information Technology may use your phone number to call or text you about employment opportunities, career advancement, and educational opportunities. There is an opt-out option for this service.

The recruitment industry

Your uploaded personal data is saved on Cornerstone Information Technology servers. This includes any information in the candidates' resumes or CVs. Cornerstone Information Technology records the positions you apply for on our website and uses this information to match you with positions you might be interested in more effectively. As a Site user, you cannot reject this service. Using our resume distribution service, you can get resumes/CVs from Cornerstone Information Technology. It is possible to choose not to get notifications for this service. Cornerstone Information Technology does not store your credit card details when you purchase our Job Market Pro service, but we can renew your subscription through our payment processor.

These outside providers receive the CVs and resumes of your candidates. Cornerstone Information Technology matches your prospects' resumes and cover letters with appropriate openings. When contacting you about candidates or job matches, Cornerstone Information Technology may utilise an automated system to call or text you at the phone number you supply, including your wireless number. You have the option to forgo using this service.

A company's employers

Your job postings are matched with candidates by Cornerstone Information Technology. We post your jobs on our website and send them to job seekers on other sites. You cannot opt out of this service if you are a Site member. Job ads posted to our affiliate sites are syndicated by Cornerstone Information Technology You cannot refuse this service if you are a Site member. The candidate's personal data that we send to you is kept on Cornerstone Information Technology This includes any information in the applicants' resumes or CVs.

From our resume distribution service at Cornerstone Information Technology, you receive resumes/CVs. To better match you with the applicants you choose for the positions you post on our website, Cornerstone Information Technology maintains track of your preferences. You can choose to disable this service's notifications. If you are a Site member, you cannot refuse this service. Our resumes and CVs are compared with open positions using several external services. You delegate your work to these outside services. Your wireless number may be used by Cornerstone Information Technology to contact you regarding applicant matches using automated technologies. There is an opt-out option for this service.


Cornerstone Information Technology provides training through a third-party learning management system. Your personal information is transmitted to our partner as part of this training program. If you complete the Cornerstone Information Technology Certification Program, or after you complete it, Cornerstone Information Technology will onboard you as a certified user. Cornerstone Information Technology may share your personal information with our educational or recruitment partners.

Cornerstone Information Technology can't be tracked for the following reasons:

  • You are ethnically or racially;
  • Politics and your stance on them
  • Philosophical or religious convictions; Union membership;
  • Biometric, genetic, and medical data;
  • Sexual orientation or sex life information

Our data storage policy

You can delete your account anytime by letting us know if you wish.

Information Disclosure

Our data about you may be disclosed to other parties in certain circumstances. The following ways may be used to share your information:

Rights must be preserved

We may disclose your information as required by law, rule, or regulation if it is necessary to comply with legal processes, respond to complaints, investigate potential breaches of our policies, or protect others' rights, property, or safety; it includes exchanging information with other organizations to prevent fraud and lower credit risk.

Third-party service providers

We may share your information with third parties to handle payments, analyze data, distribute emails, host our website, provide customer service, and assist with marketing efforts.

Third-party service providers and suppliers may only use your personal information for the original purpose it was collected or as required or permitted by law. In the absence of a law or agreement, these parties will be responsible for any improper use by them. We are not

Commercial Communications

If permitted by law, we may share your information with third parties for marketing purposes with your consent or with an opportunity for you to withdraw your consent.

User interactions

When you interact with other site users, they may see your name, profile photo, contact information, and descriptions of your activities.

Ads on the Internet

Your comments, contributions, or other content may be accessed and shared outside the Site for as long as you post them.

Third-party advertisers

The Site occasionally displays advertisements delivered by third-party advertising companies. Web cookies can contain information about your visits to the Site and other websites, which businesses may use to target you with advertising for products and services you may be interested in.


Our affiliates are:

  • All subsidiaries.
  • Business partners in joint ventures.
  • Other organizations we control or share a control structure with.

We consider our parent company to be an affiliate as well. We will require our affiliates to abide by this Privacy Statement if we share your information.

Corporate Affiliates

Our business associates may use your information to offer you goods, services, or promotions.

Social Media Friends

By logging into a social network, your friends can see your name, profile picture, and activity descriptions.

Third Parties

Investors and advertisements may receive your information to undertake general business analysis. We may also disclose your information to third parties for marketing purposes.

The sale of an insolvent company

We may transfer your information to the successor entity if we restructure, sell all or some of our assets, merge with another company, or are bought out. We may transfer or sell your information to a third party if we go out of business or declare bankruptcy. Such transfers may occur, and the transferee may not uphold the privacy promises we set in this privacy statement. We do not control or manage third-party solicitations. Our company is not responsible for third parties using your sensitive or personal information. You must contact the third party directly if you wish to stop receiving letters, emails, or other communications from them.

Tracking Technologies

Website Beacons And Cookies

We may use cookies, web beacons, tracking pixels, and other tracking technologies on the Site to customize and enhance your experience. To learn more about how we use cookies, please see our Cookie Policy, which is integrated into this Privacy Policy and available at https://www.Cornerstone Information Technology .com/cookies.html. Our Cookie Policy applies to your use of the Site.

Internet advertising

The Site may also use third-party software for advertising, email marketing, and other interactive marketing operations. This third-party software may use cookies and other tracking technologies to manage and improve your online experience.

Google Analytics

We may also collaborate with carefully selected third-party service providers, like Google Analytics, to facilitate tracking technologies and remarketing services on the Site through the use of first-party cookies and third-party cookies, among other things, to analyze and track how users use the Site, gauging the popularity of certain content, and understanding online behavior. Using the Site, you consent to third-party suppliers collecting and using your information. Please review their privacy statement and contact them directly if you have any questions. If you switch operating systems, upgrade your current browser, or delete or change your browser's cookie files, you may also lose certain opt-out cookies, plug-ins, or preferences.

Websites of Third Parties

Our Site contains links to third-party websites and applications, advertisements, and outside services. Our Privacy Policy does not cover information you provide to these third parties, so we cannot guarantee the security and privacy of your information after you exit the Site using these links.

Any third-party website, service, or application linked to or through the Site is solely responsible for its content, privacy policies, and security practices. Be sure to read any third-party website's privacy policies and practices before disclosing any personal information. As you see fit, you should also take the appropriate precautions to protect the privacy of your data.

Information Security

Our administrative, technical, and physical security measures help safeguard your private information. Our security measures are reasonable, but no security system can be foolproof or impenetrable, and no means of transmitting data can be guaranteed against interception or other misuse. The information you provide online can be intercepted and misused by third parties. We cannot guarantee total security if you disclose personal information.

Troubleshooting: Do Not Track

You can turn on the Do-Not-Track ("DNT") setting in most web browsers and some mobile operating systems to indicate your preference for privacy by not wanting your online browsing history to be collected. Our website does not comply with DNT browser signals or other mechanisms that automatically transmit your preference not to be tracked online. A consistent technical standard is needed to identify and apply DNT signals. This privacy statement will be updated if, in the future, a standard for online tracking is created that we are required to follow.

Information Options

Details of the account

Logging into your user account settings and updating your account allows you to examine or edit the information at any time or terminate your account. Get in touch with us using the provided contact information.

Once we receive your request to discontinue your account, we will deactivate or remove it from our live databases. We may keep some information in our records to prevent fraud, address issues, assist with investigations, enforce our Terms of Use, and satisfy legal requirements.

Email and communications

You can opt out of receiving letters, emails, or other communications from us by logging into your account settings and changing your options. If you wish to stop receiving letters, emails, or other communications from a third party, you must contact them directly. Get in touch with us using the provided contact information.

Close of Accounts and Deletion of Data

You can request the removal of any personal information associated with your account.

Here are the criteria to be considered:

Before closing, all services and products must be canceled. The account cannot be closed if there are open job applications, available products or services, or open services. Credits will no longer be available. You will not be able to access your account after it has been closed. Your personal information can be deleted after terminating your account. There could be a 30-day wait for the deletion of account data.

A Commonsense View

  • The website should not be used to submit or publish private information.
  • When speaking with other members, be very cautious.
  • For any employment-related issue, seek professional advice.
  • Keep an eye out for employment fraud. Do your research to ensure you are applying to legitimate, actual employers. Don't transfer cash or take a "job" without first getting an interview. Let us know if you suspect someone has committed work fraud.

Online Privacy Policy

The information in this online privacy statement only applies to data we collect online; it does not apply to offline data.


Our terms and conditions section can be found at https://www.Cornerstone Information Technology .com/termsofuse.html, outlining the use, disclaimers, and liability policies that apply to our website.

Advice From Your Side

The use of this website is subject to our privacy statement, which you accept when you visit our website.

Contact Us

Our privacy statement can be contacted at Cornerstone Information Technology Group, Inc. if you have any questions or concerns.

Statement Modifications

The company and client input will be reflected in this Privacy Statement from time to time by Cornerstone Information Technology encourages you to review this Statement regularly to stay up-to-date on how your information is being protected.